Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

August 1st and 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss Arizona International®

Arieona Brooks

People's Choice Award

1.What is 1 beauty product you cannot live without?
In order to be a good friend, you must have unconditional regard for one another in terms of support and acceptance, a mutual interest to hold each other accountable right or wrong, and, notably, genuine intentions.

2.If you had to do over anything what would it be?
I can tell I am under stress when I begin to overthink, overreact, and second guess my initial instincts. Although I am still learning how to offer myself patience, I combat my stress with prayer and the healing of music.

3.Who would you love to meet and why?
When faced with challenges, I pray. I understand that God has the answer to all my struggles and by opening my heart to Him, first, they will be solved. Furthermore, as an aspiring attorney, critical thinking has become second-nature. I assess the situation, identify what I can control/change, and receive advice from one of my closest relatives/friends. Insight from someone I trust may offer another perspective that I may not arrive at by myself.

4.Favorite vacation?
Dignity is someone’s conviction to their purpose/worth. It is the devotion you have to yourself and morals.

5.What do you normally eat for breakfast?
My grandmother, Carrie Mae Lathan, and extended family were born and raised in Canton, Mississippi. They were known from humble beginnings and worked as self-made contractors and farmers. My great-great Uncle, Willie “Little Boy” White, ran his contractor business for 50 years, contributing to the infrastructure in Canton, Mississippi. Their resiliency remains true within our family now.